Tuscan Son by Dino Parenti
Tuscan Son by Dino Parenti
Tuscan Son by Dino Parenti
Tuscan Son by Dino Parenti
Tuscan Son by Dino Parenti
Tuscan Son by Dino Parenti
Tuscan Son by Dino Parenti
This is my story. But it could be your story. It’s an account of my forty years of wondering and wandering in search of my family’s Italian-American ancestry. It began as a personal journal of my experiences and dis- coveries, but along the way, I real- ized that it was my family’s story.
Tuscan Son by Dino ParentiDino & Priscilla Parenti
Looking for one long-lost ancestor, my paternal-grandfather, I found generation upon generation of Tuscan sons—my great- grandfathers—and their histories. Unexpectedly, on this march through history, there was self-discovery as well, as I came to better understand my relationship with my father and learn more about myself. MORE

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